Montessori at Home: 3 Fun Activities That Will Help Your Preschooler's Language Development

Education & Development Blog

In preschool, children should be learning about the world around them and how to express themselves within a safe, nurturing environment where they can make mistakes and learn from them. Montessori preschools typically follow this approach by allowing children to discover their individuality and learn on their own with guidance. However, during this pandemic and subsequent time of uncertainty, many parents have opted to keep their children at home away from their peers and their teachers trained in the Montessori-curriculum.

Many parents are uncertain about how to supplement their child's learning away from school and its abundance of resources. The great news is that many activities can be implemented at home to help your child learn new words and further develop their ability to communicate, so even when your child returns to school, the learning can be reinforced at home. Listed below are three Montessori activities that can be used at home.

1. Vocabulary Object Activities

According to the Ultimate List of Montessori Activities, the vocabulary objects activity involves gathering real or imitation items that are common in a preschool child's surroundings. Showing the child items like an apple or book and allowing them to interact with it, while hearing the name of it, helps increase their vocabulary and improve their ability to identify elements of their surroundings. This way, when a child needs to ask for an object they want or need, they have more knowledge about what the specific object is.

2. Questioning Exercises

Questioning exercises involve asking your child questions about any activities that were completed throughout the day. Asking your child to recall how they watered plants or put their toys away allows the child to decipher words and a person's tone to help them understand how to answer questions and ask questions. It also helps develop their ability to think critically and recall information.

3. Classified Stereognostic Bags

Classified stereognosis bags, or mystery bags, are typically filled with 5–8 items that are associated with each other. Stereognostic refers to a child's ability to use their five senses (touch, taste, see, hear, and smell) to identify objects. This activity helps preschoolers learn how objects can work in conjunction with each other to complete essential tasks like cooking utensils for cooking, or hair tools for hair styling. It also furthers a child's development by helping them learn how to categorize objects and connect what they are experiencing with their senses to words.

For more insight, contact local preschools


4 November 2020

Dedicating Your Time To Learning

When I started college, I realized that most of my friends and roommates weren't really serious about hitting the books. Instead of studying, most of them worried more about getting invited to parties or going out on dates. However, I realized that my time in college would matter a lot later in my professional life, so I decided to dedicate myself to learning. I spent hours in the library learning course material, and it really started to pay off. I was able to earn my degree a lot faster than some of my colleagues, which was awesome. Check out this blog to learn tips for getting more out of college.